Diari harian

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What should i do rite now?How come these will be happen to me?Is that something wrong with my life? Ya Allah,i need Your Mercy and i need Your Blessing for my life...I hope that all the sad stories will be gone from my heart and i don't wanna to remember all of that...Please Ya Allah, I'm begging with the humble and please give me a peaceful life and heart...


  1. Hopefully your sorrow had fade away.
    Jangan lupa Allah ketika susah apatah lagi waktu senang.

  2. Kita memang kena banyak berdoa kepada Allah atas setiap perkara kita lakukan..insha Allah Allah akan redho

  3. Semoga semuanya baik baik saja ya kak shikin :) Amin


❧ ✿ Terima kasih atas kesudian awak untuk tinggalkan nota di sini..✿ ❧